Thursday, April 21, 2011

All the Things I Pine For...

This is a public blog, but something I expect no one to read other than myself and maybe a few people that read my Better Living Through Adversity blog and are just curious about what other things fill my time besides body modification via corset training. This is here to remind me of all the things I pine for, so when birthdays, Christmas, etc. come around I am not at a loss to remember what it is that I want and why. It is also so that I have a dated document to show the infamous Mr. K that I didn't just make something up on the spot about how long I've been trying to acquire said item...this recently happened when I came across an incredibly good deal on a bottle of Caron's Farnesiana Eau de Parfum. I had been wanting a bottle of Farnesiana for nearly 7 years, but it is so hard to come by (It is only sold in Caron boutiques, so basically Paris and NYC) that I probably never mentioned it before. The bottles that have come up on eBay have been so expensive, vintage ones ranging from $600 to nearly $1500 per bottle, that I have always considered owning a bottle to be far from a reality I will ever experience. I have seen some very good deals for just under $200 recently, but early this week there were 5 bottles online for $44 each. I almost had a coronary on the spot when I saw them. Of course when I freaked out and tried to convince Mr. K of what an unbelievable opportunity this was, he just sort of rolled is this is just another ploy for perfume and next week she will be saying that another brand is the long lost bottle she's been pining for all these years. So, this blog will be my document of all the things...I know, its crazy that one would need an entire blog to list the things they are dying to find, buy, steal, whatever...but I'm a woman who embraces femininity and all its trappings, and the list of those trappings is always growing. I know I will never get most of these things, but one can dream, right?

So here we are with the first of many bottles of perfume I will add to this list:

The beautiful, understated comfort scent by Parfums Caron. Farnesiana. The most beautiful rendering of mimosa I have ever had the pleasure of smelling. I had a small decant that someone gave to me in a perfume swap and I use it mostly to help me sleep; when I am having bouts of insomnia or trouble sleeping while breaking in a new corset it is truly comforting if I just put a small dab on my hands and then fold them under my cheek to sleep.


  1. Have you read "Jitterbug Perfume" by Tom Robbins? I think you'd like it. As an amateur connoisseur of the olfactory, I'd prefer to invest the money I don't have in Italian white truffles. But I respect perfume-lust as well. Lovely blog, luxurious without being pretentious. Keep it up! But what's this business with corsets? Glenn, "Notes from the Ethnoground"

  2. Sorry for the long delay in responding...I seriously never thought anyone would read this! I love your blog by the way...I am a total nerd and wannabe brainiac in disguise. Yes! I have read Jitterbug Perfume, I loved it! I think I read it when I was around 14 years old and it was so fascinating. Not just with the perfume, but with the Pan and the Bean King, etc. I can't believe I remember all of that, its been years. I think I'm going to dig it up and re-read it. Thanks for the suggestion!
    The corset would take so long to explain here, but the reasons I wear it are many: vanity, relief from back pain, to please my partner...and I've just always liked the feeling of being in something sort of tight fitting. Someone once told me its leftover from being swaddled as a baby. I don't know if thats true, but I suppose it makes some kind of sense. Thanks for reading my ramblings, K
